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What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation involves the assessment of various thinking skills, such as memory, attention, language, visuospatial skills, and executive functioning, as well as emotional symptoms such as anxiety and depression, to determine strengths and weaknesses, differentiate diagnoses, and provide treatment recommendations.

Common concerns include dementia, learning disorders, ADHD, stroke, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, capacity for decision-making, depression, anxiety, and more.

How many sessions does a Neuropsychological Evaluation take?

A neuropsychological evaluation is made up of four main parts: interview, testing, interpretation and report writing, and feedback of results. The first appointment will include a one-hour interview, followed by a testing session. This testing session will last between two and three hours. Following completion of testing, Dr. Perle may require up to two weeks to interpret results and create a report. Once the report is completed, you will have a final one-hour feedback appointment to discuss the results of the evaluation, any diagnoses, and recommendations that may be helpful.

What kinds of tests do you use?

Tests are most often paper-and-pencil or question-and-answer formats. You will be asked a wide range of questions about a lot of different types of information. You may be asked to look at pictures or puzzles, copy images or symbols, remember information, repeat words or phrases, read out loud, complete mathematics problems, or look for patterns. You may do some tasks on a computer. You will also be asked to complete several questionnaires about different symptoms, experiences, feelings, or your likes and dislikes.

Neuropsychological Evaluations: About
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